
Colour 16mm, no sound, 20 minutes 
The Composition Kids,
(2008, co-dir Pietro Sammarco) 
Colour 16mm  transferred to digital with Sound, 6 minutes 
Colour 16mm transferred to digital with Sound, 9 minutes
Irregular Time Signatures, 
Colour 16mm with Sound, 3 minutes
The Artist’s Stu­dio,
Colour 16mm with non-sync sound, 5 minutes 
Sculpture Garden / gardenstrasse
(2014, co-dir Derya Akay)
Colour 16mm no sound, 12 minutes
Bottles Under the Influence 

(2012, co-dir Tamara Henderson) 
Colour 16mm with sound, 8 minutes
New Pedestrians 
Colour 16mm transferred to digital with Sound, 4 minutes
The Poodle Dog Ornamental Bar,

Colour 16mm film with sound, 9 minutes


Memory Picture Palace House
Colour 16mm transferred to digital with Sound, 38 minutes

Colour 16mm transferred to digital with Sound, 9 minutes

New Pedestrians
Colour 16mm transferred to digital with Sound, 4 minutes 

Consider the Belvedere
(2015, co-dir Tamara Henderson) 
Colour 16mm with Sound, 10 minutes 

Escape Scenes


Colour 16mm no sound, 4 minutes 

Sculpture Garden / gardenstrasse
(2014, co-dir Derya Akay)
Colour 16mm no sound, 12 minutes

Bottles Under the Influence 
(2012, co-dir Tamara Henderson) 
Colour 16mm with sound, 8 minutes 


Colour 16mm, no sound, 20 minutes 

The Artist’s Stu­dio
Colour 16mm with non-sync sound, 5 minutes 

Irregular Time Signatures 
Colour 16mm with Sound, 3 minutes

Continuous Rays 
Colour 16mm, no sound, 3 minutes

Poodle Dog Ornamental Bar

Colour 16mm film with sound, 9 minutes

History of An Object 
(2009, co-dir Tamara Henderson)
Colour 16mm, no sound

Colour 16mm transferred to digital with Sound,  3 minutes

The Composition Kids
(2008, co-dir Pietro Sammarco) 
Colour 16mm  transferred to digital with Sound, 6 minutes